Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I think eveyone should see my beautiful wife. It has only been 9 years since we met. She is a wonderful companion and I love her.
We are making plans for our 10 wedding aniv. next year. I think it will be to Hawaii.!!
I will also take this time to tell of our early am April Fools joke. It was our 7 year old's idea to leave a trail of jelly beans as if it were Easter for our 4 yr old. It worked and the 4 yr old was convinced the easter bunny came. We followed the trail to the table where a note was read by the 7 yr old saying APRIL FOOLS. We all laughed and the 4 yr old said "...the Easter Bunny left us an April Fools note". HA HA... I thought it was funny anyway.


Jana said...

LOL! That is so funny. You have to remember to write that in their journals. BTW, your wife is a lucky lady to have you for her husband, and Hawaii sounds like what you both need.

Micheline said...

Good joke by Joshua! Hawaii sounds great - I tried to do that on our 20th, but it didn't work out. Maybe another year! Welcome to the blogger world. Glad to have you join us!